Sunday, March 15, 2009


Anyone out there remember Annie? It was set in the depression and Daddy Warbucks was one of the richest men in the world. This billionaire was naturally a Republican and the president FDR was a Democrat. My point is this, while they had very different views on just about everything they agreed on one thing.

'The sun will come out tomorrow"

when FDR says "republicans to Oliver, sing' and Daddy Warbucks sang along. He didn't go on the radio and cry about his party being out of power. He didn't act like he had all the answers, even thought apparently none of these answers where available for the prior 8 years. He didn't say I want your policies to fail. I wasn't a big fan of George W but I never wished he would fail, I just really wanted him to change his idiotic and evil ways. All in together now.

Okay I will actually post something on design but the politics of the day have got me swirling. I had to get it off my chest.